50 Ways To Beat Boredom During Quarantine

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing tons of people to stay indoors. While flattening the curve is incredibly important for the health and safety of friends, family, and neighbors, let’s be honest — it can get boring. FAST.
If you have major cabin fever, start by plotting your next escape using one of our colorful and interactive Newverest Trek Scratchers. Then, try out these 50 boredom busters that will make quarantine a little less lackluster.
1. Learn a new language using online apps like Duolingo. That way, you’ll be ready to travel to new places when travel restrictions are finally lifted.
2. This is also a great time to plan a dream vacay. Research far-off places and exotic destinations so someday you can just grab your passport and go.
3. Put on your own personal film festival. Choose a theme (like IMDB Top-250 Movies) and expand your cinematic horizons.
4. Focus on your fitness! Make a list of future fitness goals and get in the habit of working out every day.
5. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy painting a picture. Try it free-hand to express your inner Picasso. Or, grab some supplies and paint happy trees along with Bob Ross.
6. Learn to cook in the comfort of your own kitchen. Follow foodie Instagram accounts like @NYTcooking or @SpoonForkBacon to try your hand at delicious new dishes.
7. Getting involved in your community is more important than ever before. Use this time to research local charities, blood drives, & volunteer opportunities so you’re ready to get involved when you’re allowed to leave the house.
8. Satisfy your sweet tooth by becoming a baking expert. If you need inspiration, programs like “The Great British Baking Show” on Netflix will get you excited to try your hand at from-scratch breads or classic pastries.
9. Boredom busters like jigsaw puzzles have never been more necessary. Start with a simple 500-piece puzzle or jump in head first if you enjoy a challenge.
10. Spend an evening indulging in at-home hair treatments, face masks, and other indulgent salon-inspired activities.
11. Two words: Video. Games.
12. Start a journal to record your thoughts and feelings. It’s great for your mental health and will give you something to look back on when this uncertain time is over.
13. Most people say they wish they had more time to read books. Well, your wish has been granted! Now’s the time to catch up on the classics or start some contemporary best sellers.
14. Ever heard of Marie Kondo? She’s the queen of cutting down clutter. Learn more about her ideas and start streamlining your possessions ASAP.
15. Stay in touch with family & friends! Now’s the time to call your grandma, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and anyone else you haven’t connected within a while.
16. Learn to mix up some impressive, designer cocktails. Your newfound mixology skills will surely impress your friends. Plus you get to drink along while you’re learning!
17. Dress up and enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner with your significant other to celebrate a special “date night” indoors.
18. Wouldn’t it be nice to get all of your holiday shopping done ahead of time? Use this downtime to organize your gift ideas so you’re way ahead of the game.
19. Write the next great novel…or at least give it a shot. Grab a pen and put your ideas on paper. It doesn’t have to be Pulitzer-quality content - just start creating and see what happens.
20. Throw yourself an at-home ice cream sundae party. Purchase multiple flavors and all of the fixings for a whimsical after-dinner dessert.
21. Call up a group of friends via Facetime or Zoom and host an online party.
22. Reconnect with your family or significant other on a deeper level by using thought-provoking getting-to-know-you games.
23. Indulge in a deluxe bubble bath that includes bath bombs, scented candles, and relaxing music.
24. Brush up on your wine knowledge to become a regular vino connoisseur. Or, dabble in high-end tequilas or scotches if that’s more your style.
25. Find your center by practicing yoga. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert at the “ohm,” you’ll find plenty of online classes that will suit your skill level.
26. Explore world-renowned museums without leaving your couch. Places like The Louvre, The Sistine Chapel and many others are now hosting online tours during the quarantine.
27. Enjoy a concert from your favorite musical artist! Search to see if your favorite musician is posting new videos during the lockdown. Or, check out iHeartRadio’s Midnight Concert Series.
28. Purge your closet and donate any clothing that you haven’t worn in the last 6 months.
29. Get moving! Dance schools across the country are offering free online dance classes in their downtime. From hip hop to ballet, now’s your chance to try out a new type of dance without worrying about anyone judging your moves.
30. Supporting local small businesses is easy. Ordering take out or buying a gift card to a store you frequently shop at can make a huge impact.
31. Creating homemade face masks will make you feel like an earth goddess. Look for all-natural recipes using items you already have in your pantry.
32. Look around your home for items you can sell on eBay! Creating listings will pass the time and may even earn you some extra spending money.
33. Grow plants to brighten up your indoor areas - it may even teach you some responsibility along the way.
34. Catch up on your sleep - seriously. This may be the only time that napping is considered a socially responsible activity.
35. Get in touch with your inner-self. Determine your Briggs-Meyers type or learn what your Enneagram number says about you.
36. Record your quarantine experience and share it with friends. Posting something to your social media accounts every day will help you feel more connected.
37. Your pet is probably loving the fact that you’re home with them all the time! Pass the time by teaching your dog a new trick or cuddling with your kitty.
38. Compile a physical photo album using websites like Shutterfly. Someday, you’ll be glad you have your memories stashed away somewhere other than cyberspace.
39. Write an email to your future self: set goals or make a prediction about the world. Envision the future, and then make it happen.
40. Broaden your horizons by switching up your news sources. Start following overseas news outlets for a more global perspective. Or, read about opposing political viewpoints to understand where the other side is coming from.
41. Jenga? Scrabble? Candy Land? Bust out those board games and have an all-night tournament.
42. Unfollow any Instagram accounts that encourage you to spend money unnecessarily or make you feel bad about yourself. Replace them with educational Instas like @NatGeo or @marscuriosity.
43. Document what is happening, how you feel, and what you do during the day because despite how scary it all is, we are in the middle of a unique historical moment.
44. Staying indoors probably has you spending less and saving more. Use this time to build a budget so you can increase your savings in the coming months.
45. Have money sitting around in your savings account? Now is a great time to learn the basics of investing.
46. Karaoke is always a great idea, especially if you want to get to know your neighbors by… arguing with them.
47. Emergencies are inevitable. Use this time to create a comprehensive first-aid kit filled with all the necessities.
48. Get into a new podcast. Literature, true crime, history, the supernatural, and tons of other topics are just a click away.
49. Create a shared playlist on Spotify and ask all the people you love to add a few songs to listen to in moments of melancholy.
50. Count your blessings. If you have a roof over your head, food on your table, and are in good health, you have so much to be thankful for. If you do nothing else on this list, try to remind yourself of this every single day.
Quarantine may not be physically difficult, but it definitely can be mentally challenging. Just remember that every day you spend indoors plays a huge role in keeping your neighbors safe and getting everything to go back to normal. And if you start to feel the cabin fever creeping in, use your Newverest Scratch Off Map to plan your next road trip or international adventure.